1981 Statement  –  UPCUSA,  p. 297
The speaking and doing of truth in our congregations are more than finding ways to stay afloat in the food of rising energy prices.  Prudential actions, such as lower thermostat settings, are an important agenda, but alone they only begin to realize the rich possibilities of the present energy situation.  The moment is ripe with new life.  The ethic of ecological justice offers imaginative ways of thinking about the gospel, human communities, and the rest of creation.  Living frugal lives of energy sufficiency opens up new possibilities for the human spirit.  Finding alternatives to fossil fuels gives us the opportunity to realize new forms of community and to express solidarity with the poor and with the rest of creation.
God's call to a new ethic of ecological justice must not only be expressed by the community of faith but also find its way into the hearts of individual believers.  Our response to this call is easily diverted by claims for national supremacy, institutional rigidities, and selfish individualism.  We must, therefore, heed the Holy Spirit's working within us, reordering our priorities, bringing us to repentance, and empowering us for participation in the new era.  This participation will manifest itself in concern for justice, in responsible consumption, and in sharing within community.
God calls Christians living in affluence to develop a lifestyle of frugality which assists fulfillment while releasing scarce resources for use by the poor.