Assembly Committee on Social Justice Issues A: The Promotion of Social Righteousness342010
   [Items with financial implications are indicated by a dollar sign ($).]342010
Item 10-01. On Protesting the Blatant Disregard for the Sanctity of Our Lord’s Name in Motion Pictures and Public Broadcasting.342010
   In response to Item 10-01, the 219th General Assembly (2010) approved the following resolution: [See p. 725.]342010
“The General Assembly strongly condemns the gratuitous trivialization of the use of the name of the Lord in the media and directs MRTI to communicate this condemnation to any companies in which it owns stock that own media content or media distribution companies and asks the appropriate office of the General Assembly to make available materials for use by local congregations for conversations with children, youth, and adults to help them determine the effects of media content for their lives.”342010
$Item 10-09. Living Through Economic Crisis: The Church’s Witness in Troubled Times: A Social Involvement Report for the 219th General Assembly (2010).342010
   That the recommendation is approved as amended. [See p. 733.]342010
   Amend Recommendations 1–3 as follows: [Text to be deleted is shown with brackets and with a strike-through.]342010
“1.  That the Stated Clerk be requested to send a copy of this social involvement report to each [pastor] [congregation] in the denomination.342010
“2.  That the appropriate PC(USA) ministry area or areas, including the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy (ACSWP), [the Advocacy Committee for Women’s Concerns, and the Advocacy Committee for Racial Ethnic Concerns,] be directed to develop a study for the 220th General Assembly (2012) that assesses the long-term implications of our current economic trends and practices, including their impact on the church itself, and provides appropriate recommendations for consideration by members, congregations, presbyteries, and local, state, and federal government. This assessment should center on the role of fairness and justice in our economy, with particular attention to growing inequality, the decline of the middle class, the tax structure, the shifting makeup of the labor force and its effects on employee rights, the role of regulatory agencies in protecting the public interest, and access to environmental resources that is equitable and sustainable. [The study should also reflect the concern of the impact of the economic crisis on women and incorporate case studies of both women and men.]342010
“3.  That congregations be invited to create within their midst ways of supporting [individual,unemployed persons and, if appropriate, their families][persons and families impacted by unemployment, under-employment, and economic downturn].”352010
   [Financial Implication: (2010) $9,045; (2011) $27,885; (2012) $3,110 (Per Capita—GAMC)]352010
Item 10-10. Neither Poverty Nor Riches: Compensation, Equity, and the Unity of the Church.352010
   That the recommendation is approved with amendment. [See p. 742.]352010
   Amend Recommendations 2.c.–k. as follows: [Text to be deleted is shown with brackets and with a strike-through; text to be added or inserted is shown with brackets and with an underline.]352010
“[c. Direct the General Assembly Mission Council (GAMC), as a matter of justice,]352010
   “[(1)   to implement in its personnel policies the directive to provide ratios between highest-paid and lowest-paid church employees, both salaried and non-salaried, which was directed to the General Assembly Council by the 207th General Assembly (1995) in the policy statement, God’s Work in Our Hands, (IV. Implementation Action Plans, A.4.b.(1)) (Minutes, 1995, Part I, p. 438); and352010
   “[(2)   to establish the goal of achieving, in a reasonable period of time, a 5:1 ratio between highest-paid and lowest-paid church employees beginning with new General Assembly Mission Council (GAMC) positions, understanding this to be a partial return to earlier policy and a practical embodiment of missional solidarity.]352010
“[d.] [c.]   Direct the General Assembly Mission Council to convene the leadership of all six agencies related to the General Assembly to review together the fourteen current principles of compensation in the ‘Report from the General Assembly Advisory Committee on Church-wide Compensation’ (213th General Assembly (2001); Minutes, 2001, Part I, pp. 558–59) and to explore the possibility of setting ratios for compensation [in light of the 5:1 ratio recommended in 2.c.(2) (above)] in order to promote greater covenantal unity within our one church and in our mission together.352010
“[e.] [d.]   Request the leadership of the Board of Pensions (BOP), the Presbyterian Foundation (FDN), the Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program, Inc. (PILP), and the Presbyterian Publishing Corporation (PPC), as well as the Stated Clerk of the General Assembly, to join in the interagency consultation of Recommendation 2.[d.] [c.] above, and to consider the assembly’s action on compensation within their own boards, reporting on such consideration in their agency reports to the 220th General Assembly (2012).352010
“[f.] [e.]   [Text remains unchanged.]352010
“[g.] [f.]   [Text remains unchanged.]352010
“[h.] [g.][Text remains unchanged.]352010
“[i.] [h.]   [Text remains unchanged.]352010
“[j.] [i.] [Text remains unchanged.]352010
“[k] [j.] [Text remains unchanged.]”352010
Item 10-08. A Resolution Supporting the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).352010
   That the recommendation is approved. [See p. 732.]352010
Item 10-07. A Resolution to Explore the Intersection of Gender and Race.352010
   That the recommendation is approved with amendment. [See p. 731.]352010
   Amend the recommendation as follows: [Text to be added or inserted is shown with brackets and with an underline.]352010
“The Advocacy Committee for Women’s Concerns (ACWC) recommends that the 219th General Assembly (2010) [direct the Office of General Assembly to] request that presbyteries explore local resources and conduct training in cultural proficiency on the intersection of race with gender, using as a resource the book, Hearing and Singing New Songs to God, in recognition of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s decade of hearing, singing, and celebrating the voices and contributions of women of color.”352010
Item 10-11. Loving Our Neighbors: Equity and Quality in Public Education (K–12).362010
   That the recommendation is approved with amendment and with comment. [See p. 772.]362010
   1.   Amend Recommendation 4.a. as follows: [Text to be deleted is shown with brackets and with a strike-through; text to be added or inserted is shown with brackets and with an underline.]362010
“a.  Recommits the PC(USA) to the principle of equal educational opportunity for all children in the United States, [regardless of race, abilities and disabilities, gender, language or socioeconomic status] [different as each child may be], and affirms them all as our children, neighbors in our care.”362010
   2.   Insert a new Recommendation 4.n. and re-letter Recommendation 4.n. as Recommendation 4.o as follows: [Text to be deleted is shown with brackets and with a strike-through; text to be added or inserted is shown with brackets and with an underline.]362010
“[n. That books and resources in school and classroom libraries reflect said multiculturalism in content to ensure fair representation and encourage cross-cultural understanding.]362010
“[n.] [o.]   [Text remains unchanged.]”362010
   3.   Insert a new Recommendation 5.e. to read as follows: [Text to be added or inserted is shown with brackets and with an underline.]362010
“[e. To affirm the importance of the active participation of families in the education and development of children in their care.]”362010
   Comment: The Assembly Committee on Social Justice Issues (A) advises that the assembly address issues of systemic factors that undermine children’s education. These include:362010
•   The destructive impact of generations of poverty that diminish expectations of success.362010
•   The debilitating impact of socioeconomic conditions such as lead-paint poisoning, fetal alcohol syndrome, drug dependency, and nutritional deficiency.362010
•   The lack of support for families trying to be involved in their children's education.362010
•   The inapplicability of curriculum to the life-settings of those children.362010
$Item 10-02. On Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Passage of the First Social Pronouncement of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.362010
   That the recommendation is approved with amendment. [See p. 726.]362010
   Amend the recommendation as follows: [Text to be deleted is shown with brackets and a strike-through; text to be added or inserted is shown with brackets and an underline.]362010
“The Presbytery of Chicago respectfully overtures the 219th General Assembly (2010) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the passage of the first social pronouncement of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. at the 1910 General Assembly. The social statement, based on the Social Creed of 1908 passed at the organizing of the Federal Council of Churches, called attention to fourteen social problems related to industrial issues facing the nation. In the light of this precedent, we call for the promotion and education within our congregations and presbyteries of the new Social Creed for the Twenty-first Century passed by our 218th General Assembly (2008)[, which calls attention to the twenty social problems related to globalization.] [We also ask the assembly to direct the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy to distribute the resource, Connecting to the Creed, to presbyteries and congregations. [We also ask for Connecting the Creed to be posted and provided in digital form by the Office of the General Assembly and printed in limited quantity for presbytery resource centers and other uses. Further, the General Assembly urges the General Assembly Mission Council to include a celebration of the Social Creed for the Twenty-first Century at the next Big Tent.]”362010
   [Financial Implication: (2010) $0; (2011) $1,700; (2012) $0 (Per Capita—GAMC)]362010
$Item 10-06. A Resolution to Study Violence Against Women and Children on the Mexico-U.S. Border.362010
   That the recommendation is approved with amendment. [See p. 729.]362010
   1.   Amend Recommendation 1 as follows: [Text to be deleted is shown with brackets and with a strike-through; text to be added or inserted is shown with brackets and with an underline.]372010
“1.  Direct the General Assembly Mission Council (GAMC) to create a study group to examine the issue of violence against women and children along the United States-Mexico border[, and in particular the circumstances in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico,] in consultation with [Presbyterian Border Ministries, the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico,] the Hispanic-Latino National Presbyterian Caucus, Hispanic/Latino-a Congregational [Enhancement] [Support Office], Presbyterian Women, ACWC, and presbyteries along the border[, seeking concrete actions that the PC(USA), its agencies, congregations and partners, both in the U.S. and in Mexico, can implement to effectively impact this tragic issue within our own church and culture, as well as our neighbors, in a timely manner].”372010
   2.   Add a new Recommendation 3 to read as follows: [Text to be added or inserted is shown with brackets and with an underline.]372010
“[3. Direct GAMC to continue their work on the border and denounce violence against women and children on the Mexican-United States border.]”372010
   [Financial Implications: (2010) $10,980; (2011) $24,470; (2012) $0 (Per Capita—GAMC)]372010
Item 10-03. On Urging the U.S. Congress to Cap Interest Rates on Credit Card Lending.372010
   That the recommendation is approved with amendment. [See p. 727.]372010
   Strike the current text of the recommendation and insert new text as follows: [Text to be deleted is shown with brackets and with a strike-through; text to be added or inserted is shown with brackets and with an underline.]372010
“[The Presbytery of Salem respectfully overtures the 219th General Assembly (2010) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to adopt a statement urging the United States Congress to pass a law to cap interest rates on credit card lending and direct the Stated Clerk to communicate this action to the president of the United States and the U.S. Congress.]372010
“[The 219th General Assembly (2010) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) urges the United States Congress to enact legislation to cap consumer credit interest rates governing credit cards, payday loans, auto title loans, home equity loans, and other frequently usurious practices, to support a consumer finance protection agency independent of banks and other financially interested parties to ensure that such legislation is implemented, and to encourage publicly-owned banks and credit unions to provide more consumer choice and more regional and local investment, and to direct the Stated Clerk and appropriate General Assembly Mission Council offices to communicate this action to the president of the United States, the U.S. Congress, and state governors and state banking commissions.372010
“[The 217th General Assembly (2006) of the PC(USA) approved a report, A Reformed Understanding of Usury for the Twenty-First Century, calling for measures including, but not limited to, ‘… efforts to provide more effective and less costly financial services to people who are now forced to utilize high-cost alternative financial resources…,’ and advocate ‘… change of state and federal policies and legislation that allow lenders to take advantage of either the naïveté or financial plight of borrowers …’ (Minutes, 2006, Part I, p. 804–805).372010
“[The 219th General Assembly (2010) directs the ACSWP to produce print and interactive online resources (or make available existing resources) that can be used to educate consumers about predatory lending and encourage healthy borrowing practices and actively promote these resources throughout the church.372010
“[The 219th General Assembly (2010) of the PC(USA) urges the credit industry to develop specific credit products with low interest rates and appropriate maximums that extend credit and credit counseling to persons in poverty.]”372010
Item 10-14. Commissioners’ Resolution. On Usury.372010
   That the recommendation is approved with amendment. [See p. 793.]372010
   Amend the first three paragraphs of the recommendation as follows: [Text to be deleted is shown with brackets and with a strike-through; text to be added or inserted is shown with brackets and with an underline.]372010
“The 219th General Assembly (2010) calls upon the PC(USA) and its corporate financial entities (Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Foundation, Board of Pensions, Funds of the General Assembly Mission Council, Presbyterian Publishing Corporation, Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program, Inc., Stated Clerk’s Office), [synods, 372010
presbyteries,] its local congregations, and members to be a counter voice to usurious practices, and to prayerfully consider moving money out of the [large] financial institutions who exploit consumers and into [community banks] [financial institutions] that practice responsible consumer lending practices. We call upon MRTI to report on their evaluation of this strategy to the 220th General Assembly (2012). We believe that the standards for moving money include382010
“•   clearly defined [interest][consumer credit] rate ceilings or caps (pegged to inflation, unemployment, and other factors, already agreed to, in principle, by one major financial institution);382010
“•   reasonable and fully transparent limits on [credit card fees and charges] [financial products and services];”382010
Item 10-12. Commissioners’ Resolution. On Ending Violence with Impunity Against Women and Girls.382010
   That the recommendation is approved with amendment. [See p. 790.]382010
   Amend Recommendations 2.–6. as follows: [Text to be deleted is shown with brackets and with a strike-through; text to be added or inserted is shown with brackets and with an underline.]382010
“2.  Commits to [no longer responding with impunity when violence against women and girls occurs, whether clergy or laity perpetrates violence, and to first hold the perpetrator accountable rather than rush to forgiveness] [holding perpetrators, whether clergy or laity, responsible for violence against women and girls, rather than rushing to forgiveness,] and encourages Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) congregations, presbyteries, synods, and governing bodies to do likewise.382010
“[3.   Declares the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) a ‘Violence Free Zone for Women and Girls,’ and direct PC(USA) congregations, presbyteries, synods, and governing bodies to refer to domestic physical acts of violence against women and girls as ‘aggravated assault’ rather than “domestic violence.]382010
“[4.] [3.]   [Text remains unchanged.]382010
“[5.] [4.]   Directs the General Assembly Mission Council’s (GAMC’s) Compassion, Peace and Justice ministry area, through the Presbyterians Against Domestic Violence Network (PADVN), the Peacemaking Program, the Presbyterian United Nations Office, and other entities working on gender justice issues to join with the World Mission ministry area in engaging and collaborating with ecumenical and global partner churches [to establish guidelines for relationships that encourage equal participation of both men and women in ministry and leadership, making it clear] at the same time [making it clear] that impunity from violence and abuse is not acceptable within related Reformed communities.382010
“[6.] [5.]   [Text remains unchanged.]”382010
Item 10-13. Commissioners’ Resolution. On Renewing the Commitment to the Use of Inclusive and Expansive Language for God and the People of God.382010
   That the recommendation is approved with amendment. [See p. 792.]382010
   Amend the recommendation as follows: [Text to be added or inserted is shown with brackets and with an underline.]382010
“The 219th General Assembly (2010) directs the [Office of Theology Worship and Education, the] Compassion, Peace and Justice ministry area[,] and the Racial Ethnic and Women’s Ministries/Presbyterian Women ministry area to renew efforts throughout the denomination to promote the use of inclusive and expansive language for God and the people of God and to ensure distribution, electronically or otherwise, of the brochure, “Well Chosen Words: Inclusive Language with Reference to the People of God—Expansive Language with Reference to God” (PDS #72-700-99-003).”382010